Saturday, April 28, 2007

Today's Rambling

So obviously I am not good at this blogging thing. I’m not sure if I am gonna keep trying (to remind myself) to do this or not, I mean really – it’s been months since my one and only post.

Anyhoodle – I’m trying to win a car for my mom. Her current vehicle is total sh*t, the heater has to be run in order for the car to not overheat, which is ok during the winter but hell in the summer. Add to that the fact that if the car is not topped off (w/gas) every other day or so, the engine will cut out – even while driving on the freeway…terrifying. One of our local radio stations is having ‘free car Friday’, so I went to the website and entered – here’s me hoping & praying that I can win for my mom – she so deserves it.

On other fronts, I haven’t been reading much at all lately. I haven’t been doing much of anything, no spinning (for months), little knitting, some knotting (macramé), and no crocheting.
I finally got my computer back from C.C., apparently my hard drive bit it and even though I asked them to back up the hard drive (it wasn’t completely gone – I had backed up the most important items before I took it in) they failed to do so. They said that they hadn’t made note of my request. One of the techs said he remembered me saying that I had backed up my important stuff…funny, and right after that I distinctly remember saying to go ahead and back up the hard drive so I wouldn’t have to rely on what I had done…selective memory, that (theirs, not mine). So what all of that boils down to is that all of the cc I had downloaded for sims2 is completely gone – that wasn’t my priority when backing stuff up.

I’ve been watching the Tudors on Showtime – it doesn’t replace HBO’s Rome by any means. I feel like I’m waiting for it to get better, but it’s not picking up…and I had been so excited waiting for it to start. I’ll probably keep watching it though – I don’t usually find much that I like on the Incapacitator, so I’ll most likely stick it out.

Well, I guess that is all I have to say for now…keep my mom (& my efforts to win her a car) in your thoughts if you will – any extra positive energy will help.
